New Signs a Labor of Love

As you enter the library, you won't be able to miss our new signs, adorning our "Upcoming Events" bulletin board and our "Friends of the Library" display. Look closely, and you will see that the signs are made from re-purposed books, the type of thing that makes a librarian giddy, as you can imagine.
These signs came to be after some brainstorming, head-scratching, and some donated time and talent. Recently, we hung a bulletin board at the circulation desk, so that we could post flyers for our monthly events. Library staff members Alyce and Loretta had seen some ideas for signs using re-purposed books, so they kept their eyes out for a couple of books of similar size that could be used. Once those had been found, Emmett resident Devens Arnett (who just so happens to be the author's father-in-law) was asked to lend his talent to the project. Being told only that we were wanting to somehow hang the books from the wall so they could be used as signs, Devens created two custom bases to secure the books to, painted them, and ensured that they would hang properly when finished. We couldn't be happier with the end result!

Thank you, Devens!
We would also like to thank Mountain West Lumber for graciously donating the scrap wood used in this project. We appreciate it!