Systems Administration

The Systems Administration department oversees all of the city's design, implementation, and maintenance of any technological needs. This includes a robust computer network and all devices that connect to it such as, Computers, Laptops, Tablets, Phones, Cameras, Wi-Fi Radios, SCADA utility controls, and Emergency Vehicle Mobile Data Computers, just to name a few.
We also work closely with the Gem County Sheriff's Dispatch Center to maintain a next generation Mobile Data Computer system that includes over 50 emergency vehicles county wide. Each vehicle has dedicated broadband connectivity which allows for responders to interact directly with the dispatch center on calls for service; decreasing response times and improving efficiency. Each vehicle is also equipped with interactive mapping and Automatic Vehicle Locators for asset management.
Our city is connected through a sophisticated fiber optic network which we designed, installed, and maintained all with in-house resources and expertise. We strive to stay on the cutting edge of technology and lead our city into the next century.
Our Mission: Provide effective technology support, service, design, and implementation for the City of Emmett; while enhancing productivity, safeguarding information, and economically planning and preparing for the future.
Emmett Fiber has the facilities for your Data Center or Co-Location needs, click the button above to find out more!
Emmett is the 3rd Idaho city to join the ranks of Next Century Cities. As we embark on the next generation of connectivity, the City of Emmett embraces the value and necessity of fielding a high speed and reliable broadband infrastructure. It will be a significant benefit to our community by enhancing our ability to educate, communicate, and promote economic development.

Emmett is the 5th city in the state to join the Idaho Technology Council. Through this integration, we will be in step with emerging trends in the technology sector. We are also collaborating with partners in the public and private sector to drive innovation and technology based jobs in the Emmett area.