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Library Safety Procedures

The safety of your family is our #1 priority.

The Emmett Public Library will employ best practices. In order to balance safety and service for staff and patrons we are including social distancing, enhanced cleaning & disinfecting surfaces, and posting signage throughout the building reminding patrons of hand washing & keeping safe distancing from others.

The Emmett Public Library lobby is not open yet. Staff has returned to work in the building. Staff has a daily check-in with temperature/COVID screening tools and we are being mindful of social distancing during the course of normal work.

Staff will perform enhanced hygiene measures and PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) is provided for all staff while interacting with the public.

The book drop is open! All returned items are placed in a designated 7 -day quarantine area BEFORE they are checked into inventory, implementing effective sanitizing steps for the safety of staff and patrons. NO overdue fines will accrue during material quarantine.

Emmett Public Library staff are masked and gloved when delivering materials to a patron in our contact less curbside service.

Materials (including movies, books, and any Summer Reading Program “Take & Makes”) are collected, bagged for pick-up, and delivered to our curbside table next to our glass back door facing Washington. Patrons may then pick up their items from the table.

During the months of April and May, our staff has been disinfecting surfaces and all children’s sensory toys, computers, tables, etc.

We will continue to follow COVID disinfectant / prevention guidelines and we look forward to seeing you in person when our lobby opens.

We are very excited to help you and your family READ this summer!

Please call us Monday – Friday from 11 to 6 p.m. with any questions. (208)365-6057

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