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Helping You!

Information to help you and the general public.

This page is here to store information dedicated to helping you and the rest of the general public. We will be adding more information as time goes on, so feel free to check back in!

Emmett Source Water Protection Brochure:

This brochure includes information on how Emmett and the Idaho Rural Water Association have combined efforts to protect your groundwater sources, with the ultimate goal of protecting you and your family. Below is a download link to the brochure as well as a small snippet taken from it.

City of Emmett Source Water Protection Plan

approved by Idaho D.E.Q._Part1

City of Emmett Source Water Protection Plan approved by Idaho D.E.Q._Part2

Emmett Source Water Protection Brochure

Drinking Water Brochure - Taste and Odor:

This brochure includes information on your home drinking water. Specifically, on possible explanations for any "foul smelling / unpleasant tasting" water you may experience, possible causes, and what you can do to help fix the issue. Below is a download link to the brochure as well as a small snippet taken from it.

Emmett Source Water Protection Brochure

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